


restrictions, administrative law, public authorities, administrative and legal regulation, mechanism.


Administrative and legal constraints are legal acts determined by regulatory acts aimed at coordinating the behavior and actions of the addressee in the appropriate boundaries defined by his legal status in the system of public administration. Signs of administrative and legal constraints are: 1) they find expression in the duties, prohibitions, application of measures of responsibility, expressed in the relevant administrative-legal, criminal-law, civil-law and disciplinary norms of the law, that is, they have a restrictive nature; 2) is a branch of the legal regulation of administrative-legal relations; 3) determine the limits, the extent of the freedom to choose the actions of the subject, which begins where the freedom to choose another; 4) find their expression through the protection of rights and freedoms from abuse by another entity whose actions infringe upon state-guaranteed rights, freedoms and legitimate interests; 5) the subject of the application is an authorized subject of public administration, and the addressee is the natural or legal person in respect of which the relevant restrictions apply; 6) do not allow the emergence of a legal conflict between the subjects of administrative-legal relations; 7) create the motive of compulsory conquest of the will; 8) legal restrictions are constrained by legal incentives, and legal incentives are constrained by legal constraints; 9) application of administrative and legal restrictions prompts the individual to appropriate behavior and to take necessary actions; 10) the purpose is to restrict the will of the addressee in making the appropriate decisions; 11) aimed at creating a positive legal motivation from a person in respect of whom this tool is used; 12) is a guarantee of refraining from socially harmful acts that create those or other obligations and responsibilities; 13) has mandatory normative certainty; 14) along with incentives, duties, responsibility acts as a means to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of the counter-party; 15) is manifested in such psychophysical reactions as: fear of punishment, the possibility of further coercion, deterrence of the appropriate actions, the threat of the use of liability measures, etc.


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