



measures, prevention, crime, convicts, custodial settings.


It is defined that prevention of commission by convicts of new crime in custodial settings is a kind of social and preventive activity of administration of institutions of execution of punishments, functional contents and which purpose consists in preventing to commission condemned in custodial settings of the deliberate actions directed to commission of new crime by them. In article special-criminological measures of crime prevention among convicts in custodial settings are considered. It is proved that the legal alerting system of crime among convicts in custodial settings are made by set of peculiar interconnected and versatility correlated substantive, procedural and legal and organizational and administrative norms regulating safety activity of personnel of institutions of execution of punishments and for prevention of commission by convicts of new crimes. It is noted that for ensuring prevention of crime among convicts in custodial settings forces and funds which are available in institutions of execution of punishments are raised: chief of social and psychological department; psychologists; operational workers; next changes of department of supervision and safety, department of protection; production personnel technical means of protection and supervision, means of communication and signaling; special means, including guard dogs. In article it is proved a number of actions special-criminological to crime prevention among convicts in custodial settings, in particular: information (analytical work, accounting of the persons inclined to commission of new crime) and organizational (professional development of employees of operational divisions of institutions of execution of criminal penalties) providing. With the most effective measure of special-criminological crime prevention among convicts in custodial settings it is selected the qualitative organization of protection and supervision of convicts in custodial settings.


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