penitentiary institution, humane attitude, human dignity, condemned, international standards.Abstract
The goal of scientific research is the necessity for further improvement of criminal-executive legislation and the practice of its use to international standards in the part of abidance of human rights and freedoms, in particular the improvement of the mechanisms for realization the right of prisoners for a humane attitude and respect for their human dignity. Providing the rights and freedoms of citizens inseparable related with the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the work of penitentiary institutions, during which various types of criminal-legal relations arise, change and stop. The introduction of the European values in the daily life of the Ukrainian society caused the need to modernize the penitentiary system in accordance with international standards. The Committee of United Nations Human Rights Organizations has indicated that respect for human dignity is the norm of universal international law, which is not subject to any exclusion. It is emphasized on the necessity of introducing humane approaches and respect for human dignity and in other special standards that relate specifically to the field of execution of criminal penalties. The European Court of Human Rights follows the position that states must abstain from inhuman and humiliating dignity behavior and care about persons who are under their jurisdiction do not fall into the situation as a result of their decisions their inevitable threat of such behavior. International standards do not provide a clear list of prisoners rights for humane attitude and respect for their human dignity. It allows constantly expand its interpretation in the creation of judicial practice and enforcement activities. International standards recognize the right of prisoners to humane attitude and respect for their human dignity the fundamental right that creates the basis for realization of all other rights, especially with the right to rehabilitation (social adaptation) after serving a punishment.
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