
  • O. H. Mykhailyk



torture, convicted, violence, institution, punishment.


The article deals with torture as a specific type of violence in penitentiary institutions of Ukraine. It is proved that torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions is, in most cases, latent, since law enforcement agencies themselves are legally responsible for collecting statistical information about criminal offenses committed, but, taking into account corporate interests, information about torture cases is often concealed. It is substantiated that torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions is in most cases latent. The administration of the penitentiary institution for the sake of good operational situation in places of non-freedom does not artificially inform the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine about committing violence in various forms of its manifestation, including torture. It is proved that the problem of torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions was not the subject of a separate criminological research, nor was disclosed at the doctrinal criminological level, its study is up-to-date and relevant. Moreover, it also requires the development of a separate methodology for the prevention of torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions. It is noted that torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions becomes public in society through the activities of public organizations and the Ombudsman. At the same time, information about the true nature and extent of torture as a specific form of violence in penitentiary institutions began to appear. Particularly acutely, this phenomenon is disturbing the relatives and close people of convicts, who are waiting for them to return to the society of healthy and law-abiding, and not sick. Recognizing the social danger of torture as a specific type of violence in penitentiary institutions, one should take into account the level of social justice of the convicted, his psychological state, as well as the tendencies of increasing or decreasing torture in places of non-freedom. The fact that society is not indifferent to the problem of torture in places of non-freedom is that there are many community associations (initiative groups) monitoring any form of illtreatment, that every act of torture is extremely resonant and long-term social discussions, in itself testifies to the importance of preventing torture in places of non-freedom.


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