


corruption, rule of law, prevention of corruption, social values, legal regulation.


The article is devoted to the coverage of issues of the concept and types of corruption and its characteristics. A legal interpretation of the term “corruption” in a narrow and broad understanding is provided, which allows for a thorough study of the phenomenon under consideration. The classification provided leads to the study of major issues of corruption prevention. Today, corruption is officially recognized as one of the main threats to the national security of Ukraine. The state leadership, acknowledging and recognizing the threat, creates a state-legal mechanism for its elimination, eliminating the preconditions for its existence by introducing a system of preventive measures, as well as improving the legal and organizational principles of prevention and counteraction to corruption In view of this, the principle of meaningful certainty of law-making and law-enforcement activity, which means availability of guarantees of accessibility and ideological susceptibility of legal information for all subjects of law, becomes of great importance. In the implementation of this principle, an important role belongs to the definitions of concepts. It should be noted that the lack of well-defined legal definitions refers not only to the concept of “corruption” but also to the general observation in international treaties, in particular in the legal system of the European Union, characterized by scientific literature as “flexibility” of the legal norms enshrined in the law. This flexibility serves to achieve a compromise between the requirements of legal certainty, on the one hand, and the requirements of situational justice - on the other. It should be noted that the introduction of the “Model Code of Conduct for Officials of State and Local Self-Government Bodies” would increase the trust of society and citizens in the civil service; increasing the authority of the civil service and the reputation of civil servants; ensuring the effective implementation of the tasks and functions of state bodies; prevention of corruption in state bodies; to expand the possibilities of public influence on the assessment and quality of government activities; informing individuals and legal entities about the behavior they can expect from public officials. The next and, in fact, the main group of corruption manifestations constitute corruption offenses.


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