


criminalistic odorology, dog, smell, sensation, information gathering, place of imprisonment, trace, dog selection.


The article deals with the activities of search and search dogs involved in the tracing and tracing of person strapped in prisons, who escaped from places of detention, search for things and documents, as well as during the inspection and deployment of places of possible shelter of suspects and wanted persons, and material evidence. In addition, the role and significance of forensic astrology during the investigation of escape from places of imprisonment, as well as the views of various scholars who are quite diverse, is explored, due to the fact that the use of hydrological doctrine and knowledge during the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceeding as supporter sand opponents. The use of horology in the investigative and investigative activities of the internal affairs bodies reveals broad prospects for its development. There as one that hinder the effective use of dogs in the penitentiary system and in operativesearch activities are investigated, one of these reasons is the poor quality selection of animals. Often, the selection of dogs for their subsequent acquisitions on does not give a special place on the ground, instruct this case to in competent individuals. The use of dogs in other minor are as that are not related to the conduct of investigative actions, such as convoys and escorted convicts, the use of dogs during inspections at the penitentiary institution is considered. This article highlights important details of the work of the dog, such as conducting the election of things and material evidence at the scene of a crime and during the persecution of the offender in a “hot pursuit”. The question of comparing the results of a dog’s work with other material evidence in criminal proceedings, which is recorded with the help of an expert’s conclusion, is investigated. Considered the importance of canned traces for investigative and investigative activities, which is difficult to overestimate. The smell of a person is his chemical signature, he is individual. The smell of a person penetrates into clothes, shoes, and holds for a long time. The use of information that is in odor can successfully investigate complex crimes committed, as a rule, under uncertainty. With the aim of our work, we set as much as possible too pen the issue of forensic ecology, tried to show its significance and importance in the disclosure and investigation of crimes.


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