


criminal proceeding, the order of adoption, International cooperation.


The article deals with the issues of legislative regulation of criminal proceedings in the order of perception, Institute of International Cooperation in Criminal Proceedings and problems of legal regulation of criminal proceedings in the order of adoption One of the effective tools of this interaction and the means of implementing the principle of inevitability of punishment is the institution of prosecution. One of the tools to implement the principle of inevitability of punishment is the institution of the prosecution of criminal prosecution. The purpose of the paper is to comprehensively cover the current state of international cooperation during criminal proceedings. Modern international integration and information processes naturally result in large migratory movements and technical achievements that, on the one hand, simplify the order of movement of persons across state borders and improve the standard of living of a person, on the other hand, they increase the possibility of committing crimes without leaving their home or hiding for this purpose. From justice in the territory of another jurisdiction. This state of affairs encourages states to adopt effective instruments of international cooperation, joint counteraction and investigation of criminal offenses. One of the effective tools of this interaction and the means of implementing the principle of inevitability of punishment is the institution of prosecution. At the conceptual level, there is the problem of the legislator’s approach to normative regulation of the institute of international cooperation in criminal proceedings: the regulation of the legal relationship between the two codes is controversial from the scientific and theoretical point of view and creates specific contradictions between the provisions of these acts. Special legal inconsistencies of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and international treaties are the result of the implementation of the norms of international conventions in the national criminal and criminal procedure legislation without taking into account its peculiarities. These special-legal inconsistencies and contradictions may well be the result of obtaining evidence in the framework of international cooperation as an inappropriate entity in violation of the procedure for their receipt, and subsequently recognizing the latter as inadmissible by the court.


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