


methodological approaches, historical and legal research, problems, punishment, imprisonment, penal institutions.


The article deals with themethodological approaches to the historical and legal study of the execution of sentences problems in the form of imprisonment, and explores their peculiarities and importance for the penal correction institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The initial position here is the methodological position on which the penal enforcement authorities and institutions have the right, under the current legislation, not only to ensure the proper enforcement of the sentence of imprisonment, but also to create conditions for convicted persons that would allow the latter to resocialize themselves after release by law-abiding citizens. It has been proved that the methodology of historical and legal study of the execution of sentences problems in the form of imprisonment is multilevel, in connection with this; it practically uses the entire methodological arsenal of modern legal science. Therefore, the methodology of the historical and legal study of the execution of sentences problems in the form of imprisonment cannot be limited to the use of the historical and legal method alone. At the same time, this method is a leading one, dominating other methods of cognition. The article states that taking into account the specifi cs of the subject of our study; we used, in addition to historical and legal, together a number of philosophical, popular scientifi c and special scientifi c methods given below. Studies on the nature, content and application of methodological approaches to the problems of the enforcement of sentences of imprisonment during diff erent historical periods of its operation can draw the following conclusions: – the methodology is an integral phenomenon, which combines a number of components: worldview and fundamental general theoretic concepts, general philosophical laws and categories, general and popular scientifi c methods. Therefore, we do not reduce it to one of the components, in particular the method or the teaching of methods, since there will be other more important methods of knowing the problem outside it; – the methodological basis of the direction of historical and legal research being developed by us is the set of methods and techniques of scientifi c knowledge, determined by the purpose and peculiarities of the phenomenon, analysed – the execution of sentences in the form of imprisonment; – the combination of philosophical, popular scientifi c and special scientifi c methods can ensure the comprehensiveness and completeness of historical and legal research into the execution of sentences problems in the form of imprisonment.


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