


Ukrainian state, Hetman P. Skoropadsky, economic policy, trade policy, grain monopoly, sugar industry, vodka industry.


The article is devoted to the study of various aspects of the organizational and legal foundations of Hetman P. Skoropadsky’s government in the fi eld of internal trade. Identify the priority vectors of fi nancial and economic policy during the crisis of state formation, under the diffi cult conditions of the Brest-Litovsk commitments. Using a wide range of archival materials, the author outlines the stages of establishing a state monopoly for the sale of grain, sugar and vodka products; materials of active cooperation of the Ministries of the Ukrainian State with representatives of trade and industry are presented; The activities of the “Trade and Economic Contracts Division”, “The Committee for Foreign Trade”, “Sugar Commission”, the Special Trade and Finance Department at the Council of Flour-mills, the State Bread Bureau and the Society of Distillers were analyzed. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence and specialty of Hetman P. Skoropadsky’s government during the existence of the Ukrainian State. Particular attention is paid to economic policy. Based on the goals set, the main objectives are defi ned: to identify main tendencies of development of the Ukrainian economy during the researched period; – to determine the infl uence of Hetman’s economic policy on the industry, trade and fi nance of the country; – to identify the factors that signifi cantly infl uenced the direction of economic policy of the Ukrainian State; The author using a wide source of sources researches economic policy of the Hetman’s government, the dynamics and quantitative indicators of development of the national industry, highlights the process of creating trade relationship with the Central States and other countries. Dependence of Ukrainian economic policy on Germany and Austro-Hungarian is determined. The forms and methods of activity of the Ukrainian government aimed at the revival and stabilization of national industry, trade and fi nancial system are expounded. As a result of the study, based on sources, the author came to the conclusion that the economic policy of the Ukrainian State depended heavily on political conditions, and more precisely, on the commitments undertaken by Ukraine under the predatory of Brest-Litovsk treaty. Although the Hetman’s government in its relationship with other States made every eff ort to pursue a policy of mercantile direction, the country remained in a diffi cult economic situation. Despite the dependence on the Central States, hostile attitude of most political forces, the Government of the Ukrainian State, for a short period of it sex is tence, managed to establish shaky fi nances, restore state budget, stop the process of destroying the national industry, establish coal production, restore international trade relationship and stabilize the economy. The provision of state funds for the development of science has made it possible to conduct research in the mining and chemicall industries of the country’s economy. And if not certain political events, the Ukrainian economy would have a real chance to take its right ful place in the world economic system.


Державний Вісник. – 1918, 16 травня.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. –Ф. 1064. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 6. – Арк. 3.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 7 червня.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 4 вересня.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 9 червня.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. – Ф. 1064. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 13(а). – Арк. 74.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. – Ф. 1064. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 6. – Арк. 140.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 22 червня.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 14 червня.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 27 октября.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 13 жовтня.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 19 жовтня.

Державний Вісник. – 1918, 7 червня.

Голос Киева. – 1918, 31 мая.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 1 сентября.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 21ноября.

Голос Киева. – 1918, 1 июня.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 18 ноября.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 21ноября.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 9 сентября.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. – Ф. 2198. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 18. – Арк. 1–43.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 23 сентября.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. – Ф. 2198. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 22. – Арк. 1–59.

Известия Союза Протофиса Украины. – 1918, 11 ноября.

Центральний державний архів вищих органів влади і управління України. – Ф. 1061. – Оп. 1. – Спр. 60. – Арк. 4.

