


law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian SSR, organizational and structural structure, justice, judicial system, totalitarian regime.


The article is devoted to the clarifi cation of organizational and structural construction of law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian SSR in the 20th century. It was noted that the main directions of organizational and structural construction of law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian SSR depended on administrative and territorial reform, which was carried out in the Ukrainian SSR in the 20th years. It is justifi ed that the organization of law enforcement agencies was directly dependent on the transition from a four-stage to a three-stage management system in the State. Accordingly, those bodies that were part of the People’s Commissariat of Justice of the Ukrainian SSR (bodies of the court, prosecutor’s offi ce, investigation and inquiry, bar and notary) were built. It was noted that the process of transition from a four-stage to a three-stage administrative-territorial management system continued until the beginning of 1929, which in turn hampered the functioning of the law enforcement system of the Ukrainian SSR, including the judiciary. It has been established that during the middle and even the second half of the 1920s the process of reform and reorganization of the main divisions of the People’s Commissariat of Justice continued: the organs of the court, the prosecutor’s offi ce, the investigation, the bar, etc. It has been established that the process of organizational and structural strengthening of law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1920s took place in rather diffi cult conditions. Above all, this was due to the current tendency to ignore law as a «bourgeois» relic, which was replaced by political expediency and «revolutionary» legality. It has been found that during the 1980s there has been a tendency to complicate the structure of law enforcement agencies. This is particularly evident in the case of the judiciary. It is justifi ed that the judicial system has been actively modifi ed, transforming from spontaneous proceedings on the basis of proletarian legal awareness into a clear structure of judicial bodies armed by law and limited by standardized procedural procedures. It was noted that in almost all institutions subordinate to the People’s Commissariat of Justice, there was a clear delineation of functional responsibilities, which eventually led to the formation of a logical structure of the law enforcement system, the separate links of which did not duplicate the functions of each other. It has been established that in the 1920s there is a process of development of special courts: arbitration, judicial and land, as well as commissions for juvenile off enders, labour sessions of the People’s Court, emergency sessions, disciplinary courts, military tribunals.


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