


princely power, Grand Duke of Kiev, Lestvinic system, viche.


In this article we study the age of viche’s law of Kievan Rus during the reign of Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich. The relevance of the study of this topic is related to the need to study the origin of decentralization processes in the Ukrainian lands. For a more objective disclosure of the issue it is necessary to plunge into historical events, from which decentralization of power originated as a far-reaching precondition for modern reforms. Kievan Rus is the cradle of state building of Ukraine and, of course, at that time there arose rather simple relations between the princely authorities and the population. The population of Kievan Rus thanks to the party also acted as a full-fl edged subject of power in the regions. This was realized through the conclusion of a meeting of the viche with the princes. In fact, the obligations that were taken by the viche and the princes formed an age law. The princes themselves in relations with each other regulated their relations on the basis of the will of Yaroslav the Wise and his successors. It should be noted that children constantly changed the conditions of the parent’s will in favor of their individual interests, which gave birth to the prince of the rogue. The emergence of rogue and the struggle for the Grand Dukes’ table was aggravated also during the reign of Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich when an attempt at reconciliation was made at the expense of new agreements between the princes. Therefore, in order to stop between the princely struggle in 1097, the Lyubetskoy congress takes place, at which the princes try to understand. This did not stop the fi ght, because the Grand Duke himself broke the terms of the contract. At this time, the viche is increasingly beginning to take part in the political life of Kievan Rus. Kiev and New Year’s eve begin to conclude contracts that by their conditions contradict the princely right. The Lestvinic system is in crisis. The reason for this, in our opinion, is the policy of the princes itself. Their constant neglect of their established laws leads to the fact that they begin to be ignored on the ground. Legal nihilism is the main problem of this period.


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