


fi nancial activities of the state, public fi nance, public funds, management of public finance.


The article is devoted to the defi nition of such method of state fi nancial activity as management of public fi nance, the outline of its specifi c features, the principles of its application, the establishment of general and distinctive features of the management of public fi nance method in fi nancial law with management in administrative law and public administration in order to better understand the legal nature of these processes. Investigating this concept, we came to the conclusion that management of public fi nance, as a method of fi nancial activity of the state in fi nancial law, has specifi c features that distinguish it from management in administrative law and from public administration, they include: – used exclusively in the sphere of fi nancial activity of state and local self-government bodies; – the subject of management is the public authorized bodies of the state and the administrativeterritorial unit; – the objectof management is exclusively fi nancial resources; – the infl uence of the subjecton the object is exclusivelydue to the use of the power of prescription method; – the existence of a well-defi ned goal, which is expressed in achieving the desired economic eff ect from the functioning of fi nancial resources; – identifying fi nancial reserves, including hidden ones, and ensuring that they are eff ectively used to generate additional passive income; – eff ective public fi nancial control at all stages of the functioning of monetary funds of fi nancial resources and cash flow. Thus, a defi nition of such a method of fi nancial activity as “management” can be formulated on the basis of conducted research and identifi ed characteristics. Management of public fi nances is the adoption of legal acts by the authorized bodies of fi nancial activity of the state in the direction, coordination of movement of funds and other fi nancial resources, functioning of centralized and decentralized funds and exercising control in order to ensure effi ciency in achieving specifi c set goals in the sphere of public fi nancial activity for the maximum satisfaction of the public interest of the population.


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