



counteraction to investigation, overcoming counteraction, tactical operation, subject of counteraction, crimes committed using modern information technologies, form of counteraction, tactical task, investigative (search) actions.


The article deals with the problematic issues that arise in the sphere of counteraction to investigation of criminal off enses committed with the use of modern information technologies. Attention is paid to the method of investigation of this category of off enses and forms of counteraction to their investigation. The necessity of defi ning the tasks of overcoming and neutralizing counteraction during pre-trial investigation of criminal off enses committed using modern information technologies is pointed out. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively cover the problems of counteraction to the investigation of criminal off enses committed with the use of modern information technologies and the means of overcoming it. Nowadays, counteraction to the investigation of criminal off enses is commonplace. But with the active development of information and computer technology, it is taking on a variety of new forms, constantly being upgraded and modifi ed. Criminal off enses can be observed at all stages of the investigation, starting with the submission of information to the Unifi ed Register of Pre-trial Investigations and ending with the consideration of criminal proceedings on the merits in court. For a fast and high-quality process of investigation of this category of off enses, the investigator needs to decide on a set of actions that will facilitate an eff ective investigation, which will allow to develop a clear methodology and tactics for the investigation of criminal off enses. Identifying the forms and methods of counteraction to the investigation, their systematization will contribute not only to the prevention and overcoming of counteraction by interested parties, but also to improving the activities of the subjects of the prosecution. Tactical operations of overcoming and neutralizing counteraction to the investigation of criminal off enses committed with the use of modern information technologies include a set of vague and unspoken investigative (search) actions and organizational measures, the tactical features of which are determined by the nature of counteraction to the investigation and the specifi cs of its subjects.


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