


rule of law, public policy, rights and freedoms, citizenship, rule of law


The issues of the article are determined in view of the chosen strategic course of Ukraine and the commitments made, in particular, in terms of establishing the rule of law and strengthening institutions at all levels in the field of governance in general since the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, The European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the other part. In addition, the National Strategy in the field of human rights, which was adopted to improve the activities of the state to promote and ensure human rights and freedoms, create effective mechanisms for their implementation and protection, solving systemic problems in this area, the first principle on which it is based , the principle of the rule of law is defined. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the implementation of the principle of the rule of law in the activities of public authorities in the context of solving the problem of protection of rights and freedoms of citizens. The article substantiates the need to increase efficiency in the activities of public authorities in accordance with the emerging needs of citizens. Statistics are given and a general assessment of the rule of law in Ukraine is given, which is confirmed by the provisions on the requirement to respect the rule of law not only in legal norms and national institutions, but also in international law and representatives of the international community. It is determined that despite the constitutional enshrinement of the principle, its often “theoretical” perception does not contribute to its practical use in the activities of public authorities to implement their highest purpose - the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine. The problem of low public trust in public authorities is outlined and it is determined that the rule of law, first of all, should guarantee a state of high trust in public authorities, given that the relevant institutions are able to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. Emphasis is placed on the subjective composition of the process of ensuring the rule of law and it is argued why not only civil society should care about the rule of law in the activities of public authorities, but also these entities should regulate their activities as close as possible to needs and problems society. In conclusion, it is determined what are the features of the implementation of the principle of the rule of law in the activities of public authorities in order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. Thus, the focus on theoretical and applied aspects of the implementation of the rule of law in the implementation of state policy to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, due to today’s challenges in the context of domestic law and European integration processes. This encourages scholars to seek new effective forms of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and their guarantees that will take precedence over the interests of the state, the interests of society and departmental interests, through the prism of the rule of law. In addition, in the context of unification of legislation, this principle becomes universal, which obliges public authorities, through appropriate mechanisms and legal instruments, to implement it at the global, regional and national levels in order to develop the welfare state and democratic society.


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Theory and history of state and law; constitutional law