


crime, international cooperation, state security, law enforcement agencies, prevention, justice


This article guarantees the proper functioning of the European space of justice, freedom and security (creating conditions for effective international law enforcement) - ensuring the necessary level of law and order not only on the territory of each state; a member of the European Union and the entire international organization as a whole, but also adjacent territories. A characteristic feature of the common space of justice, freedom and security is the need to ensure a harmonious combination of its two aspects: external and internal. The internal aspect of this space presupposes the unification of efforts of the law enforcement agencies of the Member States of the European Union to ensure internal security and maintenance of law and order throughout the Community, the creation of a number of specialized bodies (institutions), whose activities should be aimed at facilitating the work of national law enforcement agencies. It is pointed out that participation by our state in international cooperation in the prevention of crime, guided by the norms and principles of international law, is quite an important activity. It should be noted that such cooperation of Ukraine with other countries, international organizations is to ensure the successful solution of strategic issues of not only foreign policy, foreign economic, but also internal stabilization.Considering that Ukraine has become a country using interested international crime syndicates (including those involved in the laundering of dirty money, illegal migration, human trafficking, weapons, hazardous materials, drugs, weapons), then Ukraine will solve these important socio-economic, political and other tasks practically can not be without participation in international cooperation in crime prevention, in the activities of international law enforcement organizations. today, Ukraine’s integration into the global security space, the establishment of effective international, regional and bilateral cooperation in the law enforcement sphere is gaining priority. This requires the development of effective management mechanisms, the introduction of which will allow to neutralize or mitigate the negative influences that determine the growth and transformation of crime, develop and implement comprehensive measures aimed at ensuring human security, creating the necessary conditions for the realization of his rights and freedoms. It is indicated that, within the framework of interaction at the international level, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine in order to properly implement the law enforcement function of the state are obliged to take effective measures to establish cooperation with special institutions of the European Union. It was noted that Europol and Eurojust are the main European institutions entrusted with the functions of establishing cooperation between the EU member states in combating crime and administering impartial justice.These main law enforcement agencies of the European Union carry out specific tasks of mutual assistance, coordinate efforts between the police, customs, immigration and justice authorities of the European Union.


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Criminal law and criminology; criminal and executive law