


criminal, crime in the sphere of providing administrative services, criminal offense, crime prevention, officials, person authorized to perform state functions


The identity of the offender is thoroughly analyzed in three subsystems: socio-demographic (gender, age, education, social affiliation, financial status, citizenship, mental health); socialrole (functional), which includes a set of activities of persons in the system of social relations as a citizen, a member of the labor collective, a family man, etc.; moral and psychological, which reflects the attitude of the individual to social values and social functions, which in the future will quickly and correctly determine the mechanism of crime in the provision of administrative services and provide effective and efficient counteraction to crime in the provision of administrative services. It is established that without knowing the identity of the offender, the whole set of properties inherent in a person who dares to commit a criminal offense, it is impossible to know the causes and conditions of crime, as well as to develop effective measures to prevent crime. It is noted that it is through the identity of the offender, ie his will, level of self-control, dependence on the microenvironment, certain tendencies and habits, level of intelligence, life and criminal experience, etc. is the transformation of external causes and conditions into internal subjective motives , which influences the decision to commit a criminal act or to respond to a situational stimulus. It is singled out what subjective features of the criminal’s personality influence the commission of a criminal offense, form his anti-social orientation of behavior and relate to the criminal environment. It is noted that the public danger of criminal offenses in the provision of administrative services is that, encroaching on legally protected public relations, such illegal actions violate the rule of law, democratic foundations of society, impede socio-economic reforms, market relations and entrepreneurship. Criminal offenses in the provision of administrative services undermine the authority of public authorities, call into question the legality of the exercise of their powers and cause significant damage to legally protected rights, freedoms and interests of individuals, state or public interests or the interests of legal entities.


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Criminal law and criminology; criminal and executive law