


trafficking in human beings, criminal proceedings, evidence, investigation of trafficking in human beings, victim of trafficking in human beings, methods of committing trafficking in human beings


The article examines the issues of certain aspects of evidence in the detection, disclosure and investigation of criminal proceedings for trafficking in human beings. The author provides theoretical provisions on a comprehensive system of circumstances to be proved in the investigation of trafficking, as well as recommendations for improving the methodology of the investigation of trafficking. Also, the article specifies the specific and important circumstances to be proved in human trafficking proceedings and substantiates their essence, content and relationship of their main elements. Trafficking in human beings is a rather complex criminal phenomenon, as it involves a large number of different interconnected elements that have already become global. Detection and investigation of human trafficking is always a long and difficult process, as it very often contains a transnational feature, which significantly complicates the investigation of this criminal offense. The purpose of the article is to analyze certain aspects of evidence in the detection, detection and investigation of criminal proceedings for trafficking in human beings to determine areas for improving the methodology of investigation of crimes in this area. To ensure effective evidence in the investigation of criminal proceedings for trafficking in human beings, the author explored ways to commit this criminal offense. The article emphasizes that identifying ways of trafficking in human beings, especially with regard to the transnational nature, is a priority because it is important for the process of solving the analyzed crime. This is due to the fact that they include a system of qualitative and quantitative features that ensure the selection and development of methods, techniques and tools that are aimed not only at the detection or investigation, but also at the prevention of such criminal offenses. In the conclusions, it is emphasized that the basis of the investigation of human trafficking should be mainly intelligence information and legal, complete and competent documentation of criminal activities of human traffickers. Only such an approach will allow law enforcement agencies to really influence organized crime in the field of human trafficking. The author proposes a set of measures to improve the documentation and proof of criminal proceedings in the field of trafficking in human beings, which includes: identification of objective information that may indicate possible trafficking in human beings; analysis of such information for possible schemes used by criminals to achieve their criminal purpose, as well as processing, systematization and generalization of the obtained data; carrying out the necessary operational and investigative measures that will really confirm the information received, but not yet processed; carrying out special operative-search measures, which are aimed at documenting certain elements of criminal activity in the field of human trafficking; assessment of the available operational and investigative material for the ability to clearly identify and document the entire scheme of criminal activity of a criminal group specializing in human trafficking; development of a plan for the implementation of operational materials in the direction of preventing the entire structure of criminal activity related to human trafficking; sale of collected materials and cessation of human trafficking; conducting a set of planned investigative actions, additional operational and investigative and other organizational measures to bring traffickers to justice and ensure the safety of witnesses and victims of crime.


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Criminal law and criminology; criminal and executive law