
  • P. Yu. Kravchuk


inspection of the scene, inspection of the corpse, inspection in case of drowning, inspection report, investigation of murders, suicide, search for a corpse, recording of inspection.


The article is devoted to the systematization of forensic recommendations for conducting an investigative examination in the event that a corpse is found in a body of water. The questions of survey of the coastal strip, the surface of the water and the bottom of the reservoir, the corpse and its clothing are revealed, the signs of a preliminary determination of the causes of the death of the deceased are indicated. Attention has been paid to attracting divers as specialists and showing the appropriate methods of their work, with the aim of searching for a corpse and objects on the bottom of the reservoir. The features of the inspection of the corpse and the scene of the accident in the case of a corpse in the well are examined. Recommendations are given regarding the recording of the actions of the investigator and specialists at the scene of the incident in the event that a corpse is found in a body of water.


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