
  • Sergiy Melnyk State Tax University




unscrupulous financial activity, manipulative gap, time gap, consequential gap, financial fraud


The development and implementation of methods for detecting unfair financial activities, including financial fraud, is relevant today. After all, in the context of both the recent economic development and the functioning of Ukraine in the war regime, the problem of seizing financial resources as a result of unfair financial activities, including financial fraud, is particularly relevant. The acute urgency requires scientists to bring together in a single theoretical construct all the essential characteristics of unfair financial activity that are important for understanding its patterns, including the patterns of openly criminal activity in the economic space of our country. In view of this, an important attribute of the fight against unfair financial activity is the maximum completeness of understanding its characteristics. Such characteristics will be included in the development of methods and techniques for combating any manifestations of unfairness in the economic and financial spheres. In other words, this will help to formulate criteria and effective approaches to detecting, counteracting and preventing the loss of financial resources as a result of unfair practices. In Ukraine, during the war, there has been an increase in cases of unfair behavior on the part of economic and financial market participants. This inevitably leads to a loss of finances and undermines the credibility of the Ukrainian business sector. The formation of a specialty in unfair financial activities will also improve the level of training of law enforcement officers and specialists in corporate financial security, financial monitoring, etc. Based on a systematic analysis, the author identifies the unique characteristics of unfair financial activities. The study is based on the conceptual provisions of financial science. As a result of the study, the following characteristics of unfair financial activity were identified: rationality, causality, motivation, conditionality, scenario, organization, latency, pioneering, manipulative, professionalism, hybridity, integration, transformativity, mimicry, avatar, consequential gap, manipulative gap, time gap, non-discretion, informality, specificity of traces and non-contradiction of the law. The identification of the characteristics of unfair financial activities will allow for a more correct selection and application of methods and techniques for analytical detection, counteraction and prevention of financial and economic crimes. The results of the study will be useful for specialists in the investigation of crimes in the economic and financial spheres, for scientists with professional interests in the research and development of measures to prevent and neutralize unfair financial activities. The formation of a specialty in unfair financial activity will also improve the level of training of law enforcement officers and specialists in corporate financial security, financial monitoring, etc.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, S. (2023). SPECIALTY OF UNSCRUPULOUS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 6–33. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-5940.1.2023.6-33