


modernization, progressive form, spatial and economic transformation


The problem is that although there are many theoretical approaches to the progressive form of spatial-economic transformation, their practical implementation can be difficult and unpredictable. This is due to implementation of such modernization and transformation plans of such principles depends on many factors that can be difficult to predict. In addition, there is a problem with the integration of various concepts into a single strategy of spatial and economic transformation. This can be a difficult task, as different foundations may have different approaches and concepts. The purpose of the study is to reveal the theoretical foundations of the progressive form of spatial-economic transformation. The hypothesis of the study is that the development of the theoretical foundations of the progressive form of spatial-economic transformation will make it possible to form its conceptual foundations. During the research, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction were used. The implementation of a progressive form of spatial-economic transformation has a number of advantages, such as the growth of the region's economy, raising the standard of living of the population, attracting investments and supporting entrepreneurship, as well as the development of tourism and other industries. However, it is important to take into account the disadvantages of the progressive form, such as the possibility of increasing inequality between regions, environmental problems, instability of the tourist flow, competition and security problems. Therefore, when developing and implementing a progressive form of spatial-economic transformation, it is necessary to take into account all these factors and look for optimal solutions to ensure the sustainable development of the region and meet the needs of the population.


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How to Cite

Lazebnyk, L., & Furmaniuk, I. (2023). THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE PROGRESSIVE FORM OF SPATIAL-ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 34–48.