financial support, economic clusters, regional economy, IT clusters, innovative development, cluster policyAbstract
The article reveals the main trends and organizational features of the development of clusters in Ukraine. The definition of the cluster, as well as the sources of the formation of the financial capital of the clusters, the direction of distribution of own funds are given. Factors of positive and negative impact of clusters on the economy of Ukraine are considered. The regional strategies and policies of high-tech projects of 5 regions where industrial clusters began to function were analyzed, namely: Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv regions. The main instruments of financial support for the development of the cluster movement in Ukraine at the state and regional levels have been determined. The distribution of financial needs by clusters for 2023 is highlighted, the financing of the needs of the affected persons at the expense of the Humanitarian Response Plan in Ukraine for the period from 2015 to 2023 is analyzed. The main problems that negatively affect the financing of economic innovation clusters of state and regional development are highlighted. Proposals for financial support of the cluster movement in Ukraine have been provided.
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