


economic security, financial transactions, money laundering, legalization of income, corruption, illegal enrichment, abuse of office, anti-legalization financial monitoring, SFMS, financial intelligence unit


The urgency of the problem strengthening economic security of Ukraine during the war period by conducting anti-legalization measures of financial monitoring regarding anti-corruption actions is that they are an effective tool to combat corruption because they allow detect and suppress illegal financial transactions. The war in Ukraine led to significant economic losses. The country has suffered infrastructure destruction, job losses, rising inflation and decreasing in gross domestic product. Under martial law, Ukraine's economy is more than twice as vulnerable to corruption and others economic crimes. Corruption is a serious threat to Ukraine's economic security. It leads to theft of public funds, reduced efficiency of the economy and deterioration of the welfare of the population, and can also lead to destabilization of the political situation. Measures to strengthen the economic security of Ukraine during the war period are an important task for state. They will protect national economic interests and contribute to economic recovery. The article highlights the existing system of bodies and levels of financial monitoring, as well as the regulatory framework governing it; reveals the existing schemes of legalization of income received from corrupt activities and on the basis of the conducted research practical recommendations for reducing the level of corruption in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Hordei, O., Novytska, O., Yuliia, & Ulianchyk, D. (2023). ANTI-LEGALIZATION FINANCIAL MONITORING REGARDING CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (2), 139–161.