


financial security, digitalization, blockchain, token, stablecoin, smart contract


The article examines the influence of cryptocurrencies on the financial security of the state. Digitization and informatization is becoming such an important factor in increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of life that the changes taking place are considered by researchers as the onset of a new era of economic development. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of cryptocurrencies on the financial security of the state, their main characteristics and components. The issue of guaranteeing security is and remains one of the essential issues in the issue of cryptocurrencies, which determines the main obstacles in their development and distribution. The motivation of the study is the growing popularity of cryptographic currencies among private and institutional investors, as well as the growth of the cryptocurrency market as a whole, and relative to other financial markets, with its further impact on the financial security of the state. The results of the conducted research are updated in view of highlighting aspects of cryptocurrency regulation in our country, in this situation, cryptocurrency is currently not legalized as a financial instrument, therefore it is necessary to work on the development of legislation in the field of its introduction.


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How to Cite

Chubenko, V. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES ON THE FINANCIAL SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 188–204.