


digitization, digital economy, digital technologies


This research aims to investigate the role of using digitization to ensure social development. The subject matter of the study is the analysis of digitization in modern society. The article gives a detailed analysis of digitization and their conceptual role in sustainable development. This article describes the impact of various forms of digitalization on the formation of individual components of the goals of sustainable development in Ukraine. This study advances our understanding of main determinants and reasons for the development of the digital economy in Ukraine, as an active member of the new global economic structure. The authors examine Ukraine's readiness for the introduction and use of digital technologies in terms of recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war. Considerable attention is paid to key role of sustainable development is smart growth built on knowledge, innovation, and inclusive solutions. The authors trace the process of development the humanistic role of digital technologies in the economy of a socially oriented state.


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How to Cite

Lagovskyi, V., & Nemyrovska, O. (2024). THE DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY AS A TREND OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (2), 117–137.