


market of investment financial services, joint investment institutions, non-state pension funds, insurance companies, investment banks, asset management companies


The development of the domestic market of investment financial services depends on the economic situation and the political situation in the country. The purpose of the research is to identify the leading trends in the development of the market of investment financial services of Ukraine in the conditions of financial destabilization. The main research methods are historical, statistical and graphic analysis. The number of intermediaries in the market of investment financial services, the diversification of types of intermediaries in the market of investment financial services, the share of individual types of intermediaries in the market of investment financial services in the total volume of such institutions were analyzed. The dynamics of the value of intermediaries' assets on the market of investment financial services, the structure of assets, and the profitability of investment areas are highlighted. 4 crisis periods are singled out and characterized: the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2010, political instability of 2014, the corona crisis of 2020–2021, the Russian invasion of 2022. It was found that the crisis periods were characterized by declines in the value of intermediaries' assets on the market investment financial services, a decrease in the volume of the investment portfolio of banks and the profitability of investment financial instruments. It was found that the significant specific weight of OVDP in the investment portfolio of financial intermediaries negatively affects the development of the investment financial services market. It is substantiated that despite the negative impact of the Russian invasion, Ukraine has become more recognizable in the world, which will attract more foreign investors after the victory.


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How to Cite

Yatsenko, I. (2022). DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE INVESTMENT FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET OF UKRAINE IN CONDITIONS OF SYSTEMIC DESTABILIZATION. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (2), 138–154.