



finance, banking system, pandemic СOVID-19, service, strategy, market


The article considers the state of the banking system of Ukraine at the present stage in the global pandemic COVID-19 and the introduction of a quarantine regime. The dynamics of changes in the number of operating banks in Ukraine over the last ten years is analyzed, and their share with foreign capital is determined. The analysis of indicators of return on assets and capital of the banking system of Ukraine as a whole is carried out. The TOP-10 banking institutions formed by indicators of stability, liquidity and stress resistance of banking institutions for the IV quarter of 2021 are presented. The change in the discount rate of the NBU and the dynamics of gross domestic product are considered. It has been proven that the introduction of quarantine has accelerated the digital age, as citizens of Ukraine have increasingly begun to actively and effectively use Internet technology to meet their own needs and address all issues through online technology. The dynamics of the discount rate of the National Bank of Ukraine was also considered and studied. It is noted that out of seventy-four operating banks in Ukraine, only less than half digitalized their banking services online before the pandemic began. Under the influence of quarantine restrictions, such banking institutions as Credit Agricole, Alfabank Ukraine, Kredobank, Pravex Bank, Pivdenny Bank, UKRGASBANK and others have launched their internet banking services (or carried out a complete rebranding of applications)However, there were not only negative consequences, it contributed to the introduction and development of new financial technologies and programs, the transition to digitalization, and even greater deepening in the era of digitalization.


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How to Cite

Zhytar М., & Yasentiuk, A. (2021). FEATURES OF FUNCTIONING OF THE BANKING SYSTEM OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 113–125. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-5940.1.2021.113-125