



digital technologies, digital tools, digitalization, igitalization of business processes, digital transformation, consequences of digitalization


The article reveals the directions of digital transformation of the enterprise. The constituent elements of digitalization of business processes of the enterprise are investigated. The stages of development of measures for digitalization of business processes of the enterprise are characterized. The positive consequences, difficulties and threats of digitalization of business processes of the enterprise are highlighted. The positive experience of introduction of digital technologies by separate companies is considered. The expediency of combining digitalization of business processes with the actual digitalization of the management system, changing the corporate culture of the enterprise and approaches to the work of structural units and employee interaction is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Melnichuk, A., & Marchenko, O. (2021). CERTAIN ASPECTS OF DIGITALIZATION OF BUSINESS PROCESSES OF THE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 169–185. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-5940.1.2021.169-185