
  • А.I. Gumenyuk "Roland's Company" LLC



green tourism, state policy, state regulation, development, business


The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of state policy for the development of green tourism in Ukraine. It is established that the level of stimulation and support of green tourism development interprets the scale of tourist flows at the level of regions of Ukraine and globally. The results show that the development of green tourism is under the constant dynamic influence of institutional changes, namely informal restrictions, rules, specifics and compliance with such rules by all participants in the economic process on the basis of exchange of intellectual, financial, digital and other resources. The key provisions of the institutional and organizational model of green tourism development in Ukraine are presented, which provides for the achievement of timely consensus of interests of the main groups of subjects of the studied area, namely: 1) stakeholders (tourism business, state and society); 2) subsystems of the state policy of green tourism development (functional, financial and economic, consumer, innovative, intellectual). Directions and system-structural effective tools and means to stimulate the development of green tourism have been developed, which provide timely provision of a favorable environment for improving the performance of business in the field of green tourism and allow to regulate such processes directly at the state level.


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How to Cite

Gumenyuk А. (2020). STATE POLICY OF GREEN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1-2), 64–75.