


enterprise management, international management, inversion type, international business, macro-meso- and micro-level


The analysis of the features of the transformation of the business management of the market and to propose practical recommendations to improve operational efficiency at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels. The role of knowledge and information as sources of growth of efficiency of enterprise management at all levels of functioning in international business is defined. The proposed theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of the market transformation of enterprise management can form the basis of practical recommendations for establishing their effective functioning. It is proved that the increase in the efficiency of management of enterprises of international business, the way out of the systemic crisis of the economy, as a whole, depends on the rational relations between enterprises, the state and the world community. In an economy of inversion type, where recombined property is dominant, this principle is not realized. Today, the state can not establish full control over the enterprise, and the enterprise has no real economic autonomy. The theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of the transformation of management of international business enterprises proposed in the work can form the basis of practical recommendations for establishing their effective functioning at the macro- meso- and micro-levels.


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How to Cite

Kantsur, I., & Nizelska, M. (2020). REFORM OF CORPORATE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1-2), 114–126.