



European Union, European integration, Eastern Partnership, regional cooperation, association agreement, public administration


The article presents the results of the implementation of the EU's Eastern Partnership program in the field of public administration. It is proved that the programs developed by the European Union in the framework of cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries are documents that form various local formats of cooperation between the Eastern Partnership countries, thus stimulating them to carry out reforms. The number of issues and areas in which the EU cooperates with the Eastern Partnership countries is constantly expanding. The areas of implementation of the Eastern Partnership tasks are represented in three cross-cutting areas (civil society; gender equality; strategic communications) and seventeen grouped within four priorities (economic development and market opportunities; institution building and good governance; energy efficiency, interconnectedness, environment and contacts between people, mobility The positive results of the EU's Eastern Partnership program in the field of public administration include: economic and structural reforms, reformatting of the post-Soviet space, security of the member states, strengthening political dialogue, full and comprehensive free trade area , the opportunity to directly participate in a number of EU programs and others.


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How to Cite

Kodis, E. (2020). FEATURES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EU EASTERN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC GOVERNANCE. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1-2), 154–165. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-5940.1-2.2020.154-165