


factors of sustainable development, resource efficiency, innovations, investments, energy efficiency


The purpose of the study is to identify the main factors of sustainable development, which will provide a basis for the implementation of the entire concept of development. Status and analysis of factors of sustainable development in Ukraine. Research methods. The following research methods were used, among them statistical methods for the formation and assessment of the state of sustainable development goals, and projects of changes in Ukraine 2023. The method of analysis and synthesis allowed to single out the factors of sustainable development and single out the perspective of their improvement. The method of synthesis and logical generalization for the formation of research conclusions. Methodology consists in the formation of principles according to which indicators of sustainable development can be evaluated and their status compared with each other. Identify the main goals of sustainable development in Ukraine and provide their characteristics. Finding, it was established that sustainable development is the most important characteristic of industrial enterprises operating in conditions of an unstable external environment. If an industrial enterprise develops steadily, then it has a number of advantages over other business entities in attracting investments, loans, implementation of NTP results, selection of contractors, selection of qualified personnel. It was determined that the achievement of sustainable development goals by enterprises depends on the development of competitiveness factors. The global markets where the company's products are presented are characterized by factors related to innovation, creativity and new technologies. That is, the factor of innovation creates competition between enterprises of the region or enterprises that represent the assets and development of their countries. Innovative activity is a key factor in competitiveness in the markets of many commodity products. It has been established that the environment for the emergence of such factors is internal: products, resources, competences, culture. External: national, regional, industry. According to the sources of origin – sectoral, macroeconomic and factors of the world economy. The value of the research lies in the identification of 17 factors of sustainable development that are important and priority for our country. What allows us to focus on such a system of relations between science, production and society, in which innovation is the basis of the development of industry and the economy while achieving sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Makurin, A., & Kozarevych, S. (2024). ACHIEVING THE FACTORS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 48–52.