


postal logistics, postal and logistics company, mail distribution management, graphic method, methodology of economic and mathematical modeling, variant problem of development and specialization of production


The relevance of modeling of practical problems of postal logistics means that these models can be used as a tool for building of economic strategies for the performance of postal and logistics companies. Purpose of the article. In the operational activities of enterprises often arises the problem for which of the carriers available on the country's market to entrust the delivery of their parcels flow, or in other words, the flow of orders. This selection process takes place in conditions of strong competition and struggle for both the client-receiver and the client-sender. The purpose of the article is to study the practical aspects of the operational activities of a postal and logistics company in the part of managing the postal items distribution to several subcontractor carriers. Research methods. The graphic, algorithmic, as well as economic and mathematical model of the problem of mail distribution management are built in the article, while using the graphic method and methodology of economic and mathematical modeling. The objective function of the model is to minimize the company's total costs for organizing the transfer of logical and logistical groups of parcels to the specified carriers and transport costs for the delivery of these parcels to destinations within the carriers according to the tariffs specified in the contracts. Findings. The result of building and using the specified model is a new tool for improving the strategy of the postal and logistics company, which finally minimizes the part of the company's costs and improves its financial results. Originality/value. To build a model of the problem of mail distribution management a variant problem of production development and specialization with Boolean variables was originally used. In turn, well-founded behavioral strategies lead to the optimization of the company's overall economic activity.


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How to Cite

Romanych, I. (2024). ECONOMIC AND MATHIMATICAL MODEL OF THE PROBLEM OF MAIL DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 59–64.