


intellectual property, IT industry, copyright, patents, innovation, technology commercialization


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the economics of intellectual property (IP) in the IT sector, examining its role and significance for the development of the industry and identifying key challenges and prospects in this area. The research employs scientific methods such as analysis, comparison, generalization, grouping, and classification. Theoretical aspects of IP economics are investigated. It is determined that IP protection has a long history, dating back to 500 BC in ancient Greece, where artisans placed special marks on their products to identify authorship. A characteristic feature of the IT business is that the main assets of companies are not real estate or manufactured products, but IP rights to software, as well as brands and logos that allow them to stand out from competitors. It is determined that today IT companies actively use various forms of IP to protect innovations and obtain economic benefits from the commercialization of their developments. Currently, in most countries of the world, the copyright model of protection for computer programs has been adopted. In many countries, such programs can obtain patent protection if they meet the criteria of novelty, inventive level, and industrial applicability, especially if they are part of technological processes or devices. Common practices in the IT industry include software licensing, the sale of digital products and services, and technology transfer. Today, there is a serious problem in Ukraine with the protection of copyright for software. Imperfect legislation and insufficient protection of copyright for software can hinder the development of the domestic IT industry and restrain its competitiveness in the global market. To solve this problem, Ukraine needs to turn to the best world practices and take into account the experience of leading countries in the field of IP protection for computer programs. Improving the current legislation, strengthening legal protection for the content of computer programs, and creating favorable conditions for the development of the IT industry are urgent tasks.


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How to Cite

Romanovskyi, V. (2024). PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE IT SECTOR: HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENT. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1), 65–72.