



financial behavior of households, household savings, investment behavior, domestic government bonds, local bonds issued during the war time, risks, investment attractiveness of DGB, public finance


The relevance of the study is explained by the need to intensify the processes of attracting temporarily free funds of households in investments, using modern financial and digital tools operating on the financial market of Ukraine, primarily domestic state loan bonds and local bonds issued during the war time turn into a significant resource for maintaining the country's defense capabilities in particular, and the development of public finances in general. The purpose of writing the article is to study the issue of attracting savings of domestic households in the domestic market of government loans and finding ways to activate the population in investment processes in the conditions of entering and in the period of post-war recovery. When writing the article, methods of logical and comparative analysis, dialectical and logical methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, and others were used. As a result of the research, the features of individual state securities as a source of covering the state budget deficit and an investment tool for households in the conditions of digitalization and full-scale war were characterized, the main advantages of domestic state loan bonds, which determine their popularity among investors, were summarized an analysis of the dynamics of public investments in domestic government loan bonds in wartime conditions was carried out, the main factors affecting financial behavior in wartime conditions were identified, the main factors of investment attractiveness and shortcomings of domestic government loan bonds in conditions of digitalization and martial law were determined, the risks for households were characterized when investing funds in individual government securities. The originality and value of the research lies in the fact that the definition and justification of the main advantages, disadvantages and risks of investing household savings in domestic state loan bonds and local bonds issued during the war time made it possible to substantiate the impact of such investment on the functioning of public finances in Ukraine and to outline the main ways of activating investment processes at the level in modern realities.


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How to Cite

Dobranska, N. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF THE FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR OF DOMESTIC HOUSEHOLDS ON THE INTERNAL MARKET OF GOVERNMENT DEBT OF UKRAINE IN TODAY’S REALITIES. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (2), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.32782/2617-5940.2.2024.3