institutional provision, state policy, prevention and counteraction of corruption, state, legislationAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to study the institutional support of state policy in the field of prevention and countering corruption in Ukraine, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of the functioning of relevant bodies and mechanisms based on modern experience. Research methods. In the process of researching the institutional support of state policy in the field of prevention and combating corruption in Ukraine, the following scientific methods were used: analysis of normative legal acts (applied to study the legal framework regulating the activities of anti-corruption bodies); comparative method (used to compare the activities of individual institutions and compare their tasks and powers); system analysis (applied for a comprehensive study of the peculiarities of the implementation of anti-corruption policy as a single system and the interaction of institutions in it). The use of these methods made it possible to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the institutional base of the state anti-corruption policy and formulate practical recommendations for its improvement. Finding. Institutional support for the formation of an effective state policy in the field of prevention and counteraction of corruption is a key area of organizational and legal support for anti-corruption activities and contributes to the formation of a European model of public administration in Ukraine. The article examines the functions and features of the activities of state bodies responsible for fighting corruption offenses and implementing anti-corruption policy. Unresolved issues regarding the functioning of these bodies have been identified and proposals for improving the situation in the researched area have been presented. It was concluded that in order to achieve more effective anti-corruption in Ukraine, it is necessary to implement a number of reforms aimed at strengthening coordination between anti-corruption bodies, ensuring their independence, increasing public trust. Value. The originality of the research lies in the substantiation of recommendations for improving state policy in the field of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine, aimed at strengthening the institutional base, increasing efficiency and transparency in the field of fighting corruption, as well as creating conditions for a long-term reduction in the level of corruption in Ukraine.
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