


automation, business process, information and communication infrastructure, service, service model, system integration, digitalization


The active development of the information and communication infrastructure, due to digitalization and the deepening of scientific and technical progress, has led to the widespread use of system integration during the implementation of complex business projects. Such principles actualize the issue of clarifying the importance of system integration as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of technologically complex and automated business processes and the integrated ICT solution used in the implementation of combined tasks. The purpose of the study is to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations for clarifying the advantages of using system integration during the implementation of complex business processes and defining the service as a modern business model that involves the use of information and communication infrastructure. Such research methods as analysis and synthesis, content analysis and the method of classification, the method of analytical grouping, the method of systematization and observation were used for the holistic achievement of the set goal. As research results, system integration is not only a set of automated technical solutions, but, above all, a complex solution with a clear single goal. The system integration service should be the one where the creation and maintenance of the enterprise's infrastructure takes place, namely networks, data processing centers and application software, etc. According to this approach, the market of information and communication technologies should rely on service-oriented methods based on the appropriate architecture for the implementation of a complex of ICT components to build effective business processes, as well as consider the potential of cloud technologies. During the study, special attention was paid to the concept of XaaS, according to which software, development platforms and computing infrastructure can be defined as a relevant service. The originality of the research is determined by the justification of the use of cloud computing, which allows the ICT market to combine models as a "service" of various purposes, which are oriented towards the growth of business value. Therefore, the effective organization of business processes of a modern company should involve the involvement of system integration and automation.


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How to Cite

Tanashchuk, K., Tsyra, O., & Tochylina, Y. (2024). SYSTEM INTEGRATION TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF BUSINESS PROCESSES. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (2), 49–54.