The publication accepts articles by Doctors of Sciences, Candidates of Sciences, young scientists (postgraduates, applicants), as well as other persons with higher education and engaged in scientific activities. Authors submit articles that are exclusively their own original research in compliance with the rules of citation and references. Submission of deliberately false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. In addition, only articles that have not been previously published in other publications are accepted for publication.

To publish an article in the electronic scientific journal No. 2 / 2024, the following steps must be taken by October 11, 2024:

1. Fill in the author's information (link).

2. Send the article, prepared in accordance with the above requirements, to
Attention! In the subject line of the email, be sure to indicate the journal code 2617.

3. Send an digital receipt of payment of the cost of publishing a scientific article. Payment for publication is made after the article is reviewed.

The e-version of the journal will be available on the website until November 15, 2024.

Language: articles are accepted in Ukrainian or English

- UDC index;
- JEL Classification Code;
- first and last name of the author(s) in Ukrainian;
- academic degree, academic title, position, place of work or study in Ukrainian;
- ORCID and/or Reseacher ID;
- e-mail address;
- title of the article in Ukrainian;
- abstract and keywords in Ukrainian;
- information about the author(s) in English in the sequence similar to the description in Ukrainian;
- title of the article in English;
- abstract and keywords in English;
- main text of the article;
- References.

At the beginning of a scientific article, it is imperative to justify its relevance, indicate the purpose, formulate the tasks, and briefly note the results of the study.
Literature Review
A scientific article must contain a literature review on the topic under study. It should be borne in mind that the value of a literature review is determined by the quality of the literature sources. Particular attention should be paid to publications that have been published within the last five years. The literature review should be presented with a critical assessment of the existing developments in the field, without a set of quotations. Please note that self-citation is allowed only if the results of previous research are used in the article.
This part of the research article should contain a detailed description of the research methods, sample selection, and verification of the results. The choice of methods should be justified on the basis of existing developments in the field of research.
Main Part
A research article provides an overview of the theory in the specified field of study. The theoretical justification of the problem lays the foundation for the subsequent description of the computational part of the study. A well-defined computational logic, a detailed description of the practical development, comparative analysis, etc. are valuable for a scientific article. A clear description of the research results is an obligatory part. Illustrative material reinforces the author's textual presentation. The article may be balanced in its theoretical and practical aspects or have a predominantly theoretical or applied focus. If the article is essentially a literature review, the main part of the article should contain a detailed analysis of the literature on the chosen topic.
The conclusions should include the results of the study, taking into account the objective, and the contribution of such results to science and practice. Attention should be paid to the prospects for further research.

References should be made in the Roman alphabet according to the APA Style Reference Citations.
An example of References

Citations to sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers of the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

Abstracts in two languages should be structured, contain a brief description of the relevance of the study and have the following elements: Purpose; Research methods / Methodology; Finding; Originality / Value. The length of each abstract is at least 1800 characters without spaces. The text of the abstract should be concise, clear, free from secondary information, and give a precise and objective idea of the main essence of the article. It should not contain results that are not presented or substantiated in the main text of the article. The abstract should not contain abbreviations and citations.
Keywords in two languages must consist of 5-7 terms or term blocks (phrases).
The translation of the abstract and keywords into English must be reliable (not machine translated). If there are any problems with the accuracy of the translation, the Editorial Board can help to resolve them.

The volume of the article is from 8 to 20 pages, A4 format (297 x 210), margins: 20 mm on all sides, typed in Microsoft Word. The entire text of the article, bibliography, abstracts, etc. should be in Times New Roman font, size – 14 pt, line spacing – 1.5 cm, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.
For Tables and Figures: Times New Roman font, size – 12 pt, line spacing – 1 сm.

Formulas, tables, and figures should be numbered through. The author's reference to each formula, table, and figure is mandatory for a scientific article. The text with the corresponding number should precede the illustrative material. Examples of references: ...according to Formula 1; ...analysed in Table 1; can be seen from the tabular data (Table 1); ...(see Table 1); ...shown in Figure 1; ...according to... (Figure 1); ...(see Figure 1).
Formulas should be presented in text form, not as images. It is not permitted to place unclear or bolded formulas in the text. Mathematical, logical and other formulas are prepared using the internal formula editor in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman font, 12 pt) and placed in a separate paragraph. The formula should be placed in the centre, with the serial number of the formula aligned to the right in parentheses.
Tables should be made in text form (font Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing – 1 cm). If the article contains only one table, its numbering is mandatory. The table should be constructed in such a way that it fits into the general margins/borders of the page. The form of numbering is "Table 1 – Title".
Figures in the article should be placed either along the width of the page or with alignment in the centre of the page without paragraph indentation. Figure numbering is based on the example "Figure 1 – Title". If the article contains only one figure, its numbering is mandatory. Each figure and table should indicate the source of information on the basis of which the table or figure was created (own development, compiled by the author based on the material ..., based on the results of the author's calculations).

The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and appropriate. Figures and tables on landscape pages are not accepted.

The Editorial Board does not consider materials that deviate from these requirements. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board, which also reserves the right to additional review, edit and reject articles.

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