


Ключові слова:

банк, страхова компанія, інвестиційний фонд, FinTech компанія, ринок фінансових послуг


У статті визначено стратегічне значення розвитку FinTech в Україні на основі показників ринку FinTech країн Східної Європи. Розглянуто елементи фінансово-кредитних установ, які забезпечують належні умови функціонування даного ринку та встановлено відмінні риси вітчизняного ландшафту FinTech. Представлено основні мотиви та напрями державного регулювання досліджуваній сфері на ринку фінансових послуг. Проведено аналіз видів FinTech компаній за сферами в Україні. Завдяки багатофакторному економетричному моделюванню виявлено фактори, які визначають рівень розвитку FinTech в Угорщині, Польщі, Словаччині, Румунії та Україні. На основі проведено SWOT-аналізу встановлено можливості і загрози, слабкі та сильні сторони функціонування та розвитку даних послуг в Україні. На основі виявлених тенденцій та з урахуванням досвіду зарубіжних країн запропоновано пріоритетні напрямки та інструментарій його розвитку в Україні.


Andriushchenko K., Ishchenko M., Sahaidak M., Tepliuk M., & Domina O. Prerequisites for the creation of financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Banks and Bank Systems. 2019. 14(2). Р. 63-75.

Abramova A., Beschastnyy V., Zhavoronok A., Fedyshyn M., Lavrov R., Dluhopolskyi O., & Kozlovskyi S. Financial technologies development prospects in the countries of Eastern Europe and Ukraine. International Journal of Management (IJM). 2020. 11(7). P. 384-398.

Azarenkova G., Shkodina I., Samorodov B., Babenko M., & Onishchenko I. The influence of financial technologies on the global financial system stability. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 2018. 15(4). Р. 229-238.

Каталог FinTech компаній України. URL: http://drive.fintechua.org/FintechCatalog19Ukr.pdf

Cosmulese C.G., Grosu V., Hlaciuc E., & Zhavoronok A. The Influences of the Digital Revolution on the Educational System of the EU Countries. Marketing and Management of Innovations. 2019. 3. Р. 242-254.

Chernadchuk V., Sukhonos V., & Shkolnyk I. The notion and content of financial system in the context of financial law of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management. 2017. 15(2-1). Р. 234-245.

Chmutova I., Vovk V., & Bezrodna O. Analytical tools to implement integrated bank financial management technologies. Economic Annals-XXI. 2017. 163(1-2(1)). Р. 95-99.

Fedyshyn M.F., Abramova A.S., Zhavoronok A.V., & Marych M.G. Management of competitiveness of the banking services. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2019. Vol. 1 (28). Р. 64-74.

Fedyshyn M.F., Marich M.G., & Abramova A.S. The influence of credit factors on the development of the real economic sector in the conditions of economic. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2018. 2(25). Р. 366-374.

Fernandez-Vazquez S., Rosillo R., Fuente D., & Priore P. Blockchain in FinTech: A Mapping Study. Sustainability. 2019. 1(22). Р. 63-66.

Gilster P. Digital literacy. 1997. New York: Wiley Computer Publications.

Ivashchenko A., Britchenko I., Dyba M., Polishchuk Ye., Sybirianska Yu., & Vasylyshen Yu. Fintech platforms in SME’s financing: EU experience and ways of their application in Ukraine. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 2018. 15(3). Р. 83-96.

Kholiavko N., Djakona A., Dubyna M., Zhavoronok A., & Lavrov R. The higher education adaptability to the digital economy. Bulletin of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2020. 4. 386. P. 294-306.

Kholiavko N., Zhavoronok A., Marych M., Viknianska A., Kozlovskyi S., & Herasymiuk K. Countries disposition in the global scientific and educational area: management and clustering. International Journal of Management (IJM). 2020. 11(5). P. 400-415.

Kosach I.A., Zhavoronok A.V., Fedyshyn M.F., & Abramova A.S. Role of commission receipts in formation of the revenue of the commercial bank. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2019. 4 (31). Р. 22-30.

Laktionova A., & Zhytar M. (2013). Institutional flexibility of decision making as a basis for a bank’s investment strategy selection. Economic Annals-XXI. 2013. 5-6(1). Р. 49-52.

Lavrov R., Beschastnyi V., Nikolenko L., Yousuf A., Kozlovskyi S., & Sadchykova I. Special aspects of the banking institutions rating: a case for Ukraine. Banks and Bank Systems. 2019. 14(3). Р. 48-63.

Mints O., Marhasova V., Hlukha H., Kurok R., & Kolodizieva T. Analysis of the stability factors of Ukrainian banks during the 2014-2017 systemic crisis using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks. Banks and Bank Systems. 2019. 14(3) Р. 86-98.

Офіційний сайт «Statista». URL: https://www.statista.com

Shkarlet S., & Dubyna M. Features of the cognitive approach application to the essence of the financial services market identification. Economic Annals-XXI. 2016. 158(3-4(2)). Р. 70-74.

Shkarlet S., Dubyna M., Shtyrkhun K., & Verbivska L. Transformation of the Paradigm of the Economic Entities Development in Digital Economy. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2020. 16. Р. 413-422.

Shkarlet S., Dubyna M., Vovk V., & Noga M. Financial service markets of Eastern Europe: a compositional model. Economic Annals-XXI. 2019. 176(3-4). Р. 26-37.

Zveryakov M., Kovalenko V., Sheludko S., & Sharah E. (2019). FinTech sector and banking business: competition or symbiosis? Economic Annals-XXI. 2019. 175(1-2). Р. 53-57.

Andriushchenko, K., Ishchenko, M., Sahaidak, M., Tepliuk, M., & Domina, O. (2019). Prerequisites for the creation of financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(2), 63-75.

Abramova, A., Beschastnyy, V., Zhavoronok, A., Fedyshyn, M., Lavrov, R., Dluhopolskyi, O. & Kozlovskyi S. (2020). Financial technologies development prospects in the countries of Eastern Europe and Ukraine. International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(7), 384-398.

Azarenkova, G., Shkodina, I., Samorodov, B., Babenko, M., & Onishchenko, I. (2018). The influence of financial technologies on the global financial system stability. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(4), 229-238.

Catalog of FinTech companies in Ukraine. Retrived from https://drive.fintechua.org/FintechCatalog19Ukr.pdf

Cosmulese, C.G., Grosu, V., Hlaciuc, E., & Zhavoronok, A. (2019). The Influences of the Digital Revolution on the Educational System of the EU Countries. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 242-254.

Chernadchuk, V., Sukhonos, V., & Shkolnyk, I. (2017). The notion and content of financial system in the context of financial law of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(2-1), 234-245.

Chmutova, I., Vovk, V., & Bezrodna, O. (2017). Analytical tools to implement integrated bank financial management technologies. Economic Annals-XXI, 163(1-2(1)), 95-99.

Fedyshyn, M.F., Abramova, A.S., Zhavoronok, A.V., & Marych, M.G. (2019). Management of competitiveness of the banking services. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, Vol. 1 (28), 64-74.

Fedyshyn, M.F., Marich, M.G., & Abramova, A.S. (2018). The influence of credit factors on the development of the real economic sector in the conditions of economic. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 2(25), 366-374.

Fernandez-Vazquez, S., Rosillo, R., Fuente, D., & Priore, P. (2019). Blockchain in FinTech: A Mapping Study. Sustainability, 1(22), 63-66.

Gilster, P. (1997). Digital literacy. New York: Wiley Computer Publications.

Ivashchenko, A., Britchenko, I., Dyba, M., Polishchuk, Ye., Sybirianska, Yu., & Vasylyshen, Yu. (2018). Fintech platforms in SME’s financing: EU experience and ways of their application in Ukraine. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15(3), 83-96.

Kholiavko, N., Djakona, A., Dubyna, M., Zhavoronok, A., & Lavrov, R. (2020). The higher education adaptability to the digital economy. Bulletin of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4, 386, 294-306.

Kholiavko, N., Zhavoronok, A., Marych, M., Viknianska, A., Kozlovskyi, S. & Herasymiuk, K. (2020). Countries disposition in the global scientific and educational area: management and clustering. International Journal of Management (IJM),11(5), 400-415.

Kosach, I.A., Zhavoronok, A.V., Fedyshyn, M.F., & Abramova, A.S. (2019). Role of commission receipts in formation of the revenue of the commercial bank. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 4 (31), 22-30.

Laktionova, A., & Zhytar, M. (2013). Institutional flexibility of decision making as a basis for a bank’s investment strategy selection. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 49-52.

Lavrov, R., Beschastnyi, V., Nikolenko, L., Yousuf, A., Kozlovskyi, S., & Sadchykova, I. (2019). Special aspects of the banking institutions rating: a case for Ukraine. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(3), 48-63.

Mints, O., Marhasova, V., Hlukha, H., Kurok, R., & Kolodizieva, T. (2019). Analysis of the stability factors of Ukrainian banks during the 2014-2017 systemic crisis using the Kohonen self-organizing neural networks. Banks and Bank Systems, 14(3), 86-98.

Official site of the Statista. Retrived from https://www.statista.com

Shkarlet, S., & Dubyna, M. (2016). Features of the cognitive approach application to the essence of the financial services market identification. Economic Annals-XXI, 158(3-4(2)), 70-74.

Shkarlet, S., Dubyna, M., Shtyrkhun, K., & Verbivska, L. (2020). Transformation of the Paradigm of the Economic Entities Development in Digital Economy. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 16, 413-422.

Shkarlet, S., Dubyna, M., Vovk, V., & Noga, M. (2019). Financial service markets of Eastern Europe: a compositional model. Economic Annals-XXI, 176(3-4), 26-37.

Zveryakov, M., Kovalenko, V., Sheludko, S., & Sharah, E. (2019). FinTech sector and banking business: competition or symbiosis? Economic Annals-XXI, 175(1-2), 53-57.




Як цитувати

Абрамова, А., Жаворонок, А., & Федишин, М. (2023). ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ РОЗВИТКУ FINTECH: КЕЙС ДЛЯ КРАЇН СХІДНОЇ ЄВРОПИ. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1-2), 8–25. https://doi.org/10.33244/2617-5940.1-2.2020.8-25