transfer pricing, sustainable development, the principle of , comparability analysis, social responsibilityAbstract
Introduction. In recent years, considering the need to implement the principles of sustainable development in business structures to ensure sustainable and long-term functioning, all existing company policies should be reviewed through the lens of global sustainable development goals. In particular, the policy of transfer pricing adopted at the level of an international group of companies needs to be revised based on sustainable development. Further developments in technology and changes in legislation also affect the importance of objective transfer pricing to avoid tax risks and ensure compliance with changes in sustainability requirements. This approach helps international groups of companies to ensure their competitiveness and promote sustainable development both locally and internationally. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize and integrate the company's transfer pricing policy into the strategy of sustainable development, identify the main "touch points" and manifestations of "sustainability" in the transfer pricing system. Methods. The research uses general scientific methods of cognition, namely abstraction, induction, deduction, generalization and comparison. Results. Areas of relevance of taxation and sustainable development issues have been identified. It is substantiated that the review of transfer pricing policy with an orientation towards sustainable development can provide high added value in the value chain of an international group of companies. Common aspects of transfer pricing and sustainable development strategies are identified through organizational structure, intellectual property objects and brand value, in-house services, incentives and business models. Conclusion. Sustainability strategy affects business and organizational models in many ways, one of the least obvious so far being the impact on transfer pricing policies. On the one hand, at a conceptual level, wider disclosure by groups of information about their tax decisions is fully consistent with the principles of sustainable development by providing greater transparency for stakeholders. On the other hand, an approach based on a sustainable development strategy can have a much deeper impact on the activities of groups of companies that may find themselves in a necessary state of change not only in the business model (including a radical rethinking of the supply chain), but also in organizational and managerial ones. Therefore, for the integration of the transfer pricing policy into the system of the sustainable development strategy, further regulatory developments aimed at the legal support of the evolution of business models based on the principles of sustainable development are necessary.
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