



development, marketing, real estate, investment, construction, project, real estate market, marketing complex


Introduction. Development as a specific type of activity associated with the involvement of many participants in its implementation is considered. The relevance of studying the key principles of marketing activity in modern conditions has been proven, which will create a basis for the successful functioning of a development company on the market, increase its competitiveness and ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of development projects. Purpose. The article is devoted to identifying the characteristics of development and systematization on this basis of the peculiarities of marketing in development activities. Methods. The article uses a monographic method in studying the latest research and publications on the essence and meaning of marketing, features of development activity, methods of systemic, dialectical approaches and the method of logical generalization in the systematization of characteristic features of marketing. Results. Marketing is considered as a function of enterprise management, includes the definition and application of means and measures of product promotion, conducting a comprehensive analysis of the market and consumers, determining the conformity of product characteristics to consumer requests, identifying opportunities for their coordination, creating a basis for pricing, establishing sales channels and effective communication system with partners and consumers. It has been established that development is a specific type of activity. It has characteristics associated with the specifics of real estate as a product, the real estate market, and development activity as a process. Systematized characteristic features of marketing in development, related to established characteristics of development. Conclusion. The revealed characteristics of development and corresponding characteristic features of marketing in this type of activity were proposed to be taken into account when developing a marketing complex. Prospects for further research are outlined regarding the selection among the identified characteristic features of marketing activity in the development of the most significant at the current stage of functioning, the determination on this basis of the components of the marketing complex and their content, which would fully take into account the specifics of the development.


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How to Cite

Fisunenko, P., Podriez, V., & Spyrydonenkov, V. (2024). FEATURES OF MARKETING IN DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Український економічний часопис, (6), 167–173. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2024-6-27