


consumer sovereignty, doctrine, libertarianism, concept


The relevance of the article is due to the topicality of the issue of the possibility of using libertarian concepts of public administration at the present stage of Ukrainian statehood. The article is aimed to promote in-depth analysis of the consumer sovereignty notions present in libertarian concepts of public administration. The views on consumer sovereignty, which were held by one of the founders of modern libertarianism, Ludwig von Mises, are revealed. The assessments of the consumer sovereignty doctrine made by Murray Newton Rothbard and A. Rand – prominent supporters of libertarianism, who were opponents of this doctrine, are highlighted. It is concluded that in the decision-making process on state intervention in the economy, in particular the regulation of the consumer goods market, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects of consumer sovereignty: 1) it is legitimate to talk about the existence of only limited consumer sovereignty today; 2) taking into consideration the current trend in consumption, in which the consumer is either looking for goods with individual traits or resorting to actions aimed at producing goods following the characteristics of his needs, we can assume that over time consumer influence on production will increase.


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How to Cite

Kaplenko, H. (2020). THE ISSUE OF CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN LIBERTARIAN CONCEPTS OF PUBLIC GOVERNANCE. Збірник наукових праць Державного податкового університету, (1-2), 127–140.